NIRI's Pulse Polls are concise, monthly surveys designed to gather data and report timely results on issues of interest to investor relations professionals.  *Available to NIRI members only.

June 2024: Quarterly Earnings Guidance Practice and Perspectives

While quarterly earnings guidance has become less prevalent as more public companies shift to communicating guidance on long-term strategy and value drivers, some companies still choose to provide quarterly guidance.

This survey examines the practices and perspectives surrounding quarterly earnings guidance among investor relations professionals.

*In partnership with FCLT Global

May 2024: Use of Social Media in Investor Relations

While traditional forms of communication are as important as ever in Investor Relations, companies are increasingly incorporating the use of social media in their communication to investors and the financial community. Social media platforms can help companies connect with wider audiences and different demographics than traditional media.

In this survey, participants were asked about how they, as Investor Relations professionals, use social media to disseminate their company’s messaging.

April 2024: New SEC Rule on Climate-Related Disclosure

The highly-anticipated climate disclosure rule from the SEC – The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors – was released on March 6, 2024 after a two-year long public comment period. The final rule requires registrants to provide comprehensive information on climate-related risks and associated material impacts.

In this survey, participants were asked how the new SEC requirements will impact their companies and Investor Relations programs.

March 2024: AI Adoption in IR

The use of Artificial Intelligence, or “AI”, has the potential to significantly change the practice of Investor Relations. AI is already having an impact, from how we communicate with investors to how companies are valued by the financial community. Investor Relations professionals will need to adapt to a rapidly changing environment as the use of AI gains wider adoption.

In this survey, participants were asked about the use of AI in their investor relations programs.

February 2024: Annual Report/10K Wrap Practices

In February, IR professionals begin to shift their focus from wrapping up the previous year with fourth quarter earnings (for those that report on a calendar year basis) to implementing their IR programs for the year ahead. One of the first big undertakings of the year is often the Annual Report/10-K wrap.

In this survey, participants were asked about the Annual Report/10-K wrap practices at their company.

January 2024: IR Goals and Challenges for 2024

Marking the new year is a motivational time for many. While different industries and companies will face unique challenges and opportunities, IR professionals will have their own massive undertakings throughout the year: perhaps an NDR or IR website redesign, or simply navigating day-to-day operations with limited resources.

In this survey, participants were asked: What are your top 3 IR goals for 2024? What are your top 3 challenges?