One of NIRI’s primary mission areas is advocacy on issues that impact the investor relations profession and public companies more broadly. This important function aggregates the opinion of NIRI’s diverse membership, representing every sector and market cap to bring your voice to the regulatory and legislative tables in Washington, D.C.

This key member benefit is particularly critical in today’s rapidly changing regulatory and legislative atmosphere. NIRI interfaces directly with the SEC and Congress and collaborates with other organizations on public policy impacting issuers, shareholders and investor relations. NIRI's advocacy efforts harness the collective power of the IR community.

When appropriate, NIRI collaborates with other professional organizations and business groups in these important efforts. 

Another advocacy resource is the Advocacy Committee of the NIRI Board of Directors. Charged with identifying emerging issues that will require NIRI advocacy and determining the appropriate advocacy approach, this group works to ensure that NIRI and the IR profession have a seat at the table on critical industry issues in Washington and beyond. 

Latest Advocacy News

NIRI Joins Society for Corporate Governance and NYSE on 13F Modernization Rulemaking Proposal

In April 2024, NIRI, the Society and the NYSE submitted a joint proposed SEC rulemaking to modernize Section 13(f) disclosure rules that would, among other things, reduce the quarterly disclosure period from 45 calendar days to five business days. NIRI requests that public companies join in supporting this proposal, and has made available a downloadable support letter template that can be tailored for each company. Please be sure to submit comment letters via email to “” and that File No. 4-825 is noted in the subject line.

Advocacy Ambassador

NIRI has an "Advocacy Ambassador" initiative to build greater grass roots support at the chapter level for NIRI's advocacy priorities. These ambassadors gather input and data from chapters about issues that NIRI may take a position on and help answer members’ questions about regulatory concerns. NIRI encourages every chapter to appoint an “Advocacy Ambassador.” Chapters may create a new officer position or designate an existing officer to handle this responsibility. 

Volunteer to be an Advocacy Ambassador

Legislative and Advocacy Fly-In

Each September, NIRI holds a Legislative and Advocacy Fly-In gathering in Washington. NIRI convenes members to meet with senior Securities and Exchange Commission staff to raise IR professionals' regulatory concerns and to hear the staff's views on key IR issues. NIRI also meets with U.S. House and Senate members and staff so IR professionals can share their views on critical regulatory issues for public companies. 

Please review NIRI's Advocacy Agenda to learn more about current advocacy positions on behalf of members. For questions on NIRI's advocacy efforts, please contact Niels Holch