Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Take your next career step forward at the Career Development Hub & IRC Lounge. Join informal discussions with IR experts and discover how to build on your existing strengths to maximize your potential. Look for the Career Development Hub in the Yerba Buena Foyer (Level B2).

Appropriate for all career levels, no appointments or invitation needed.



7:45-8:20 AM New to IR Coffee Meetup

If you are new to investor relations and looking to meet others new to the role, join this casual meetup over coffee and start building your network.

11:30-11:55 AM Leveraging the New IR Credentials for Your Success
Iman Hannon, CM, IOM

NIRI has recently launched two new certificate programs, IR Foundations and IR Advanced. Learn about these new programs and discover how credentialing can be a catalyst for your professional success, providing you with cutting-edge skills and knowledge that are essential in the evolving landscape of investor relations.

12:05-12:30 PM Ask a NIRI Fellow About Career Growth Pathways
Darin Arita, CFA, IRC

Learn from an industry expert about optimizing your skill sets and making strategic decisions that align with your long-term career goals.

3:00-3:25 PM Ask a NIRI Mentor: How Can a Mentor Help Advance Your Career
Clayton Bilby, IRC

A mentor can help you improve your knowledge, leadership skills, network, and self-confidence. Discover the pivotal role that mentors can play in providing guidance, wisdom, and leveraging their experience to accelerate your career progression.


11:30-11:55 AM The Importance of Ethics and How to Avoid Ethical Pitfalls
Nicole Noutsios  

This session highlights the critical importance of ethics in maintaining professional integrity and trust, outlining common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

12:05-12:30 PM Optimizing Your NIRI Journey for Professional Growth
Remy Bernarda, IRC

Learn how NIRI can accelerate your success in the field of investor relations and provide you with needed resources throughout your professional journey.

3:00-3:25 PM Unlocking the Value of NIRI Chapters: Education, Networking, and Career Advancement
Becky Updegraph

This session explores the untapped potential of chapter involvement, highlighting how active participation can significantly enhance educational opportunities, networking, and career advancement.