Wall Streeters Are the New Wave of IROs - What Can We Learn?
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 | 3:00PM
- 4:00PM | Room: Margaux 2
Concurrent Round 5
| James Armstrong | Joe Pollaro | Zach Rothberg | Kelly Hernandez, IRC | Kevin Kessel | Nathan Rozof, CFA | Eric Leeds, IRC |
IR jobs are being taken by storm by sell-siders, buy-siders, and bankers. They're already well-known to CEOs and CFOs as knowledgeable about companies, industries, and the capital markets. They're regarded as research-intensive, high-energy, articulate, influential, and able to hit the ground running. They've experienced IR from many companies and have strong views about best practices. What can we learn from Wall Streeters who have successfully transitioned to IR?
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about changes to messaging, earnings reports, guidance, and targeting
- Explore influences on strategy and operations
- Hear about surprises once inside IR - overcoming corporate inertia and other obstacles