Karla Kimrey is Vice President of Cloud Peak Energy Inc. Karla joined Cloud Peak in 2009, a few months prior to the Company’s IPO in November 2009. Previously, she held a number of investor relations positions with UAP Holdings, StorageTek. J.D. Edwards, KN Energy and Vista Gold Corp.
Among other areas, her expertise includes implementing strategic investor targeting programs, instituting rigorous communications with investment community, developing revenue and earnings guidance and coordinating quarterly SEC earnings filings with finance and legal teams
She has been in the financial services industry since 1981. Karla graduated from the University of Colorado with a bachelor of science in finance and is a native of Colorado.
Karla has been a member of NIRI since 1995. She previously served the Chapter as President, Secretary, Programs Chair and Membership Chair for the Rocky Mountain Chapter.

Karla Kimrey, IRC
Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications,
Peabody Energy Corporation