Career Transition Program

The NIRI Career Transition Program assists current members who become unemployed. The program suspends national and chapter membership dues for a period of up to twelve months at the end of their current membership term. Members will continue to receive national member benefits.

Members must be unemployed and active dues-paying members at the time of application. This program is open to current Corporate, Consultant, Service Provider, and Affiliated members. This program is not retroactive for previous periods of unemployment. Members are not able to be part of the Senior Roundtable while on this program. Transitional Members are not entitled to run for office or have voting rights with regards to elections or proxy votes.

If members become employed during the dues suspension period, they are expected to renew their paid membership with NIRI at that time.

Approval is conditional upon NIRI review and qualification for the program. This Transition Program can only be used once every five (5) years.

Career Transition Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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