NIRI professional development and educational activities may qualify for PDU credit based on the renewal requirements set forth for the Investor Relations Charter (IRC)® by the NIRI Certification Council. Approved types of professional development activities, their assigned PDU values as well as detailed information and instruction, can be found here. Certificants are responsible for collecting and submitting required supporting documents when audited.
NIRI professional education may qualify for CPE credit based on requirements set forth by the Board of Accountancy issuing the CPA license. Though NIRI is not a licensed provider of CPE credits per the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), please confirm with these requirements before registering for a NIRI event to be submitted for CPE credit.
Attendees are responsible for submitting the required documentation to the appropriate Board of Accountancy. NIRI will provide a Certificate of Registration to those who register and attend a NIRI in-person event.