The IRC Exam is based on professional practice, and so it is critical for a successful test taker to have the required IR experience. The exam is built around the IR Competency Framework, and involves questions and scenarios from each of the 10 domains, including IR-related quantitative questions requiring mathematical calculations without the use of a calculator.
There are no study guides produced by the Certification Council or by the Examination Development Committee as this is considered a conflict of interest. The governing body does not sponsor or endorse any refresher course or study materials.
The primary IRC reference book, Investor Relations Body of Knowledge has been developed by NIRI to give an indication of the scope and range of topics covered on the certification examination and to help users identify areas that require study and preparation. (The Body of Knowledge is not intended, in and of itself, to be a sufficient study guide to attain the IRC certification.)
Test takers have reported an average of 30 hours of preparation time. The exam passing rate is 71% (as of December 2023).

ALL exams are delivered by appointment only with live remote proctoring (LRP) online. Appointments may be scheduled based on availability at least two business days in advance. Appointment starting times may vary by geographic region. The proctor will need access to your computer for a few minutes to enter the secure exam password and initiate the exam session.
NIRI and its testing partners comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and strive to ensure that no individual with a disability is deprived of the opportunity to take the examination solely by reason of that disability. NIRI will provide reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities. Applicants requesting special accommodations should email
Exam Results
Applicants will receive their exam result from Prolydian within three (3) business days after completing the exam. The time period needed before releasing the exam results is due to reviewing the security recordings, reviewing applicants’ comments, and conducting a quality check. Test takers are responsible for notifying NIRI of any mailing address or email address changes.
Candidates who pass the exam will receive their scores and a certification kit from NIRI. NIRI may issue a press release listing the names of all candidates that passed the exam. All certified individuals are authorized and encouraged to use the IRC acronym to denote certification on business cards, letterhead, with their signature, etc.
Certification is considered valid for three years. When it’s time to renew certification, certificants will receive a renewal reminder around three months before the expiration date.
Test takers who did not successfully complete the IRC examination will receive a letter from NIRI and will be given a diagnostic report on their performance. This report identifies the knowledge areas in which the applicant’s performance is deficient and is intended to help the applicant become better prepared before retaking the examination.
Applicants wishing to challenge a particular item on the examination OR appeal the final score of their examination must submit the Appeal/Challenge Form within 15 days of receiving the examination results. Applicants must provide as much detail as possible.
Applicants will be contacted if additional information is needed or when a decision has been reached.
Rules and Regulations
There are certain rules and regulations regarding test taking, including the following:
- Only drinking water is permitted while the exam is being administered. The water bottle should not have any labels on it.
- A room scan must be completed with the presence of a live proctor before the exam can begin. A webcam will be used to view the entire room and workspace.
- Test takers must be in a well-lit environment and their face must be clearly visible throughout the exam.
- Test takers must remain in the center of the webcam frame throughout the exam.
- Anything that obscures the view of the test taker’s face — such as hats, sunglasses, or hoods — is prohibited.
- Webcam, speakers, and microphone must remain on throughout the test.
- Exams are proprietary. No note pads, tape recorders, watches, smart watches, pagers or cellular/smart phones are allowed in the room where the test is being taken. Possession of any electronic device is strictly prohibited and will result in dismissal from the exam.
- No guests, visitors or family members are allowed in the room.
- No questions concerning the content of the exam may be asked during the exam.
If an applicant engages in any of the following conduct during the exam they may be dismissed, scores will not be reported, and exam fees will not be refunded. Examples of misconduct are when an applicant:
- Creates a disturbance or is abusive or otherwise uncooperative with the proctor
- Displays and/or uses electronic communications devices such as pagers, cellular/smart phones
- Receives assistance
- Leaves the room during the exam
- Attempts to record exam questions or make notes
- Attempts to take the exam for someone else
- Is observed with personal belongings
- Is observed with unauthorized notes, books or other aids
- Takes the exam for any reason other than the purpose of seeking certification
Any applicant failing to adhere to any of the rules listed above will be considered guilty of cheating and will not be allowed to continue the exam. Fees are forfeited and no score will be given. Incidents may be referred to the NIRI Certification Council for adjudication.
All test-related materials including the exam questions, forms, and other information are the exclusive intellectual property of NIRI. Accordingly, none of these confidential materials are available for review by anyone other than the NIRI certification staff and designated committees.
It is forbidden under federal copyright law to copy, reproduce, record, distribute or display these exam questions by any means, in whole or in part. Doing so may subject the applicant to severe civil and criminal penalties.
The IRC is well worth the investment in time and effort because of its strong alignment to the profession – both in terms of practice and engagement. Earning the IRC designation had a profound impact on my career and significantly elevated my visibility within the financial community. I can also attribute an increase in salary to obtaining the IRC Charter.
Chris Symanoskie, IRC
Investor Relations Consultant