Strategic IR: Transformative Insights Through Peer Analysis

Monday, June 10, 2024 | 3:30PM - 4:20PM | Room: Salon 10-12  |   Education Session (Sponsored)

 |  Naomi Sayles | Mark Warren | Rodney Pedersen | Michael Miller |

In today's volatile market, mastering peer analysis is crucial for IR professionals seeking to navigate uncertainties with confidence. This session will focus on:

  • Effectively monitoring and benchmarking against your competitors. 
  • Understanding the metrics most important to your investors and analysts.
  • Incorporating market feedback (quantitative & qualitative) into your IR strategy.
  • Building peer analysis into your earnings process and investor engagement practices.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of your IR program and demonstrating ROI to your C-suite & Board.

Please join our panel of IR experts as they discuss these topics and more with a focus on providing actionable insights that will help you to improve the ROI for your IR efforts.

This session is sponsored by Visible Alpha, now a part of S&P Global.