How IROs can Maximize their Company’s Story in an Increasingly AI-Generated World

Monday, June 10, 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | Room: Yerba Buena Ballroom - Salon 1-7  |   Education Session

 |  Barbara Lee | Ken Sena | Brent Thill | Tony Kim |

AI and technology advancements are moving quickly across the Investor Relations world. Investor meetings are recorded, earnings calls are auto-transcribed, research reports are summarized, and everything is being put through AI. In addition, this technology is changing how buy side firms gather and analyze information, and target and invest in companies. 

IROs need to identify, understand, and evaluate the ways AI technology is changing how information their company is being represented. If this is not effectively managed, the control IROs have over their story will decrease. This panel will look at some of the key technologies that IROs need to be aware of across the capital markets — and how to not just mitigate the risk, but also maximize the opportunity.  
IROs need to be up to speed on these changes to ensure they know how the information about their company is being represented and what to do if their information is misrepresented. This panel will look at some of the key technologies that IROs need to be aware of across the capital markets. The control they have over their message is decreasing, and understanding how these technologies are affecting them is critical.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand how public information about companies is collected
  • Analyze new techniques and technologies that are used by the Buyside to make investment decisions
  • Evaluate impact to IROs