Senior Roundtable

Senior Roundtable Logo

The NIRI Senior Roundtable (SRT) provides the forum to support and recognize your experience, with exclusive opportunities to engage with senior-level IR professionals. Formed in 1994 to respond to the needs and interest of NIRI’s most experienced members.

  • Learn at peer-developed events.
  • Connect through the exclusive SRT eGroup online community and in periodic virtual meetings.
  • Experience the prestigious SRT Annual Meeting, and attend special Roundtable events at the NIRI Annual Conference.

Member Directory

For a directory of current Senior Roundtable members, please visit the SRT eGroup.
(You must be an SRT member and logged into the website to view this list.)

SRT Annual Meeting: December 3 – 5

Attend the 2025 SRT Annual Meeting, December 3 – 5, at the Omni la Mansión del Rio in San Antonio, TX, with content on the forefront of the profession, mixed with engagement time with your peers.

SRT Hotel
Reception at SRT.
Matt Brusch speaking at SRT

Senior Roundtable-only eGroup

Post questions to your peers, share documents, and connect with other senior-level IR professionals. (Log-in required.)

Special programs at Annual Conference

SRT session at Annual Conference
SRT session at Annual Conference

Have great conversation and more networking time with your peers at the NIRI Annual Conference.